we reached out to a handful of coffee shops all around the country. Without a doubt Palace had the most comprehensive tools, streamlined processes, and were a key component to our success
- collective coffee, wichita falls, TX

We recently moved into a brand new roasting facility which is a 2,500 square foot space inside of our newest Palace retail location in Wolflin Square in Amarillo. This new space will allow us to grow and partner with more cafe’s and businesses as well as expand our reach into more grocery stores across Texas and beyond.
We would love to build a relationship with you and provide quality coffee for your cafe or business. For more information on our wholesale partner requirements, please fill out the form below and someone will reach out to you shortly.
Building a brand is important. With our private label program, we will roast our coffee and package it in your branded bags, giving your customers another way to support you and what you are building.

Getting quality equipment is paramount in serving great coffee. We have many relationships with equipment manufacturers and can help get you the equipment that is right for your style of cafe or business.
Tell us your big dreams of opening a coffee shop! You could say we have some experience in this area and we’d love to help. Our consulting packages will provide as much or as little guidance as you need to help you find your footing in the coffee world. If you’re seeking barista training or just some extra help with your business plan, we’ll tailor a package that’s sure to meet your needs. For more information on all of our consulting services, please fill out the consulting inquiry form below and someone will send you further information shortly.